Sunday, May 6, 2007

Long weekend is gone

My God! can you believe this?! Long weekend is gone.. And I'm getting slightly nervous about all that stuff that I promised myself to catch up with those days, and managed to do nothing nothing at all. Pains of conscience (is this hte right spelling?)-that's what it is;) Right. Get yourself together Justina.
By the way Matura exams began and my poor student whom I tried to prepare for the English exam is taking it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a tough day. I'd better not think what happens if she doesn't pass.. They will find me and.. Teachers are always at fault in this country..
Ok. The last thing. My dream. I had a dream that my professor told me that my MA is.. short.. Jezz it has got as many as 98 pages! I wish he won't tell me this when I meet him in a week time.Take care everybody:) and that's what I found when I wrote "long weekend" in the google bar;)

Monday, April 23, 2007

"somebody" who will probably read this post is defenitely going to kill me;) after it has turned up that I havent got a "twin" sister who would replace me today at practical grammar. now that I am fit as mashroom;) and went to bed today 3 a.m. and have finished my M.A. 9.55 and handed it in 10.30 Central European Time..Maybe flowers will save my life;)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Exotic Russia

Oh, c'mon you bad girl! Putin you say..Hmm, Uhhmm, Huh.. Oh Gosh, now that I will have to call The Kremlin and ask whether he will be available. But for me-impossible doesn't exist;)
For the adventures of Nataluv at the Kremlin, see next post;)
Here's a glance on Siberia's River the Yenisey from Space:)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The winner!

Ok, what I think, is that you're the only person who wrote a comment.. The rest, shame on you;) So.. You win a nice trip to Russia and a night at the Kremlin:P Enjoy you're stay. We're sending tickets by mail;) Oh, and by the way you gave the wrong answer! The correct one is: PIMS - Profit Impact of Market Strategy:P. However, with "gimp-pimp" you were very close;) And.. as you can see I've finally found you're comments. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hello! How was your Easter? Never mind, who cares;) here's our new IT project. Anne and Justina present: PIMS-pal, a friend forever! Do you know, what PIMS stands for? For any guesses-write your comments on my blog:) the prize is 2-week-journey around the interior of Siberia, no-thrills, just nature;) Wishing you luck, yours Anne Anne:) ps. for the results see next entry

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

my photos available

hey, hey! welcome after a short break. Now you can look at my photos at picassa web-site. Under NO circumstances should you download any of these pictures;) It's banned. any copying, pasting or whatever is forbidden;) Anyway, as you will see, or have just seen this is me again, but this time-real me. before a surgery and after retouch;) And as Easter is comming I already wish you nice weather, a lot of food and God bless you:)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Oh, my God It's Sunaday afternoon and If I'm right, tomorrow's MONDAY. By the way, sorry for writing in Polish last time. I forgot simply, I should write, think, joke and even breathe in a Brit-like way for at least 3 years now;) so forgive me please one more time and remember to do so many more times in the future;) Right. I would like to change the name of "my blog" with pleasure, but..again I don't know where to do this, I mean which option it is..:) OK. that's all folks. have a lovely Sunday evening. And in the end nice picture to finish with:) It's title is: Red Jackie by Andy Warhol.